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  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. proudly participated in the 60th China (Guangzhou) International Beauty Expo, showcasing its latest nail gel products for the spring and summer seasons. This prestigious event was a grand celebration of beauty and innovation, attracting industry professionals and beauty enthusiasts from around the world.At the expo, Dingze Biotechnology captivated the audience with its exquisite collection of nail gel products. The company's booth was a sight to behold, adorned with vibrant displays and captivating visuals that showcased the company's strength and expertise in the field of nail care.Dingze Biotechnology's latest nail gel products for the spring and summer seasons were the highlight of the exhibition. With a wide range of colors and finishes, including the mesmerizing 9D Cat Eye Gel, the company's offerings were a true reflection of the latest trends and styles in the nail industry. The 9D Cat Eye Gel, with its glitter effect, is the perfect choice for a sparkling night out or a party.As a leading enterprise in the production of therapy glue in China, Dingze Biotechnology has established itself as a market leader in the cosmetic nail industry. With a state-of-the-art production facility and an innovative R&D department, the company ensures the highest quality standards for its products. Dingze Biotechnology's commitment to scientific management and systematic production processes has earned it a reputation for excellence both in Guangzhou and worldwide.
  • Review of Guangzhou Beauty Expo 2024: GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. wows with its new Spring/Summer collection of nail gels.GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., a nail gel company with its own factory, participated in the 2024 Guangzhou Beauty Expo and showcased its latest Spring/Summer collection of nail gels.The expo, which is a significant event in the beauty and cosmetics industry, attracted renowned brands and innovative companies from around the world. Among them, GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. stood out with its impressive display of the new Spring/Summer collection of nail gels.With a focus on research, development, and production of nail gels, GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. demonstrated its technical expertise and innovative spirit during the expo. The booth featured eye-catching displays and thoughtfully designed exhibition areas that captivated the attention of visitors.The new Spring/Summer collection of nail gels showcased a vibrant array of colors and trendy designs, offering nail enthusiasts endless creative and personalized options. Whether it was the bright summer hues, lively floral patterns, or sleek geometric elements, these designs showcased GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.'s keen sense of fashion trends and creativity.In addition to their visual appeal, GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. also prioritized product quality. With their own factory, they employed advanced production techniques and high-quality materials to ensure the durability and resistance of the nail gels, providing users with long-lasting manicure effects. Moreover, the company emphasized product safety and environmental sustainability, aiming to create a healthy and eco-friendly nail care experience for users.During the expo, the exhibition team of GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. actively engaged with visitors, patiently answering their questions about product features, application methods, and styling tips. The new Spring/Summer collection of nail gels received praise from attendees, who expressed anticipation for the company's future developments.By participating in the 2024 Guangzhou Beauty Expo, GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. successfully showcased its strength and innovation in the field of nail gels. The debut of the new Spring/Summer collection not only provided fresh choices for the beauty and cosmetics industry but also inspired nail enthusiasts with more fashion-forward ideas. It is expected that GUANGZHOU DINGZE Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to lead the nail trend, bringing more astonishing beauty to users in the future.
  • Dear clients,Chinese New Year is coming.It's a time for celebration and gatherings. I wish that you may spend your time meaningfully with the people close to your heart. Happy Chinese New Year!!!For any sales inquiries and supports, please whatsApp or email our salesman.
  • Dear clients,Christmas Day is coming.It's a time for celebration and gatherings. I wish that you may spend your time meaningfully with the people close to your heart. Have a wonderful and merry Christmas!For any sales inquiries and supports, please whatsApp or email our salesman.
  • Dear clients,It is hereby noticed that our National Day is coming.We will have7 days holiday from October 1st to October 7th.Your understanding will be highly appreciated if our holidaysbring any inconveniences. For any sales inquiries and supports,please whatsApp or email our salesman.
  • 近日,2023年韩国K-BEAUTY美容博展会在韩国京畿道高阳寺金特路盛大举办,来自全球的美容美甲行精英齐聚一堂,共同交流和展示最新的美甲技术和产品。其中,我们作为一家来自中国广州的美甲公司,在本次展会上大放异彩,完美落幕。 作为一家专业的美甲公司,鼎泽一直致力于为全球的消费者提供高品质的美甲产品和服务。在本次展会上,我们展示了其最新的美甲产品和技术,包括各种时尚的美甲款式和专业的美甲护理产品。这些产品吸引了大量参观者和客户的关注和兴趣.纷纷表达了对鼎泽产品的认可和喜爱。 鼎泽的展台设计时尚、简约,营造出了舒适、专业的氛围,为参观者和客户提供了良好的体验。在展台上,我们的专业团队向参观者和客户详细介绍了其产品的特点和优势,并提供了实际演示和试用,让参观者和客户更加直观地了解产品的性能和应用。在本次韩国X美容博展会取得了圆满的成功。这不仅提升了鼎泽的品牌形象和知名度,也为鼎泽未来的发展赢得了更多的商业机会。我们期待在未来,鼎泽能继续以领先的美甲产品和技术,为全球的消费者提供更好的服务。 
  •         鼎泽是一家专注于生物技术研发与应用的创新型企业,自2014年成立以来,一直致力于为全球美甲用户提供高品质、时尚、健康的甲油胶产品。此次香港展会上,鼎泽展示了其最新的甲油胶产品及技术,吸引了众多专业观众和采购商的关注。在展会期间,鼎泽的展台吸引了大量的参观者和客户,对其产品和技术表示出了浓厚的兴趣。许多潜在的客户表达了对产品的兴趣,并希望进一步了解其产品的详细信息。此外,还收到了一些合作伙伴的邀请,希望在未来进行更深入的合作.在展位上,鼎泽还特设了美甲体验区,为现场观众提供了专业的美甲服务和咨询。通过现场体验,参观者们对鼎泽产品的品质和效果有了更直观的了解,进一步提升了品牌知名度和影响力。在本次香港展会上取得了圆满的成功,这不仅展示了美甲的魅力,开拓了无限商业机会,也提升了鼎泽的品牌形象和知名度,为鼎泽未来的发展赢得了更多的商业机会。 
  •         2023年,为期五天的广交会在广州盛大开幕。作为全球最大规模的商品交易会之一,广交会吸引了来自世界各地的参展商和采购商。在这场盛大的商业盛会上,广州市鼎泽科技生物有限公司(以下简称“鼎泽”)以其卓越的产品和专业的服务,赢得了广泛赞誉。 在展会期间,鼎泽以丰富的产品线、精美的展品和专业的服务态度赢得了众多赞誉。参展观众纷纷表示,鼎泽的产品不仅质量上乘,而且种类丰富,满足了不同消费者的需求。同时,鼎泽的专业服务团队也得到了广泛好评,他们以热情周到的态度为每位参观者提供了详尽的产品介绍和咨询服务。 回顾此次广交会,鼎泽取得了丰硕的成果。不仅展示了公司的实力和形象,还与众多潜在客户和合作伙伴建立了良好的关系。在未来,鼎泽将继续秉持“让全球美甲用户拥享美丽、时尚、健康的指甲”的企业宗旨,不断推出高品质、环保健康的产品和服务,为全球消费者带来更多选择和更好的体验。   最后,鼎泽感谢所有参观者和合作伙伴的支持与关注,期待在未来的日子里继续携手共进,共创美好未来!
  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. made a grand appearance at Expo Belleza & Salud Corferia 2023, showcasing their strength and introducing their latest product innovation, the Autumn-Winter Collection of Gel Nail Polish.Expo Belleza & Salud Corferia 2023 was a highly anticipated event in the beauty and wellness industry. The exhibition provided a vibrant platform for companies to showcase their products and connect with industry professionals and enthusiasts. Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. seized this opportunity to demonstrate their expertise and establish their presence in the market.The company's booth at the exhibition was a sight to behold. It was meticulously designed to reflect their professionalism and commitment to excellence. The booth featured captivating displays and visuals that drew the attention of visitors, creating a buzz around their products.Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. left a lasting impression on attendees with their Autumn-Winter Collection of Gel Nail Polish. This new line of products was specifically designed to capture the essence of the season and cater to the latest trends in nail fashion. The collection boasted a wide range of captivating colors and finishes, from deep and rich hues to sparkling glitters, providing options for every occasion and style preference.The Gel Nail Polish from Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. stood out for its exceptional quality and performance. The formula was carefully developed to ensure long-lasting wear, chip resistance, and a flawless finish. The smooth and easy application made it a favorite among both professionals and nail enthusiasts. Additionally, the company's commitment to using safe and non-toxic ingredients in their products further enhanced their reputation in the industry.Overall, Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s participation in Expo Belleza & Salud Corferia 2023 was a resounding success. The exhibition provided a platform for the company to showcase their strength, connect with industry professionals, and introduce their innovative Autumn-Winter Collection of Gel Nail Polish. Their attention to detail, commitment to quality, and ability to stay on top of the latest trends solidified their position as a leading player in the nail care industry.
  • InterCHARM 2023: A Grand Showcase of Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.InterCHARM 2023 at the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center was a remarkable event that brought together industry professionals, suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors in the perfumery and cosmetics industry. Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. made a strong presence at the exhibition, showcasing their latest product innovation, the Autumn-Winter Collection of Gel Nail Polish.The exhibition was a grand affair, attracting a diverse audience of trade professionals from around the world. The Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center provided a spacious and modern venue for the event, with multiple halls dedicated to different sectors of the beauty industry.Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. demonstrated their strength and expertise in the field of nail care and beauty. Their booth stood out with its sleek design and eye-catching displays, showcasing the vibrant and trendy colors of their new Gel Nail Polish collection. The company's commitment to quality and innovation was evident in the attention to detail and the wide range of shades and finishes offered.Visitors to the booth had the opportunity to experience the superior quality and long-lasting performance of Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s Gel Nail Polish. The company's representatives were on hand to provide in-depth product demonstrations and answer any questions, further highlighting the company's dedication to customer satisfaction.The Autumn-Winter Collection of Gel Nail Polish by Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. received rave reviews from attendees. The unique color palette, including rich jewel tones, warm neutrals, and shimmering metallics, perfectly captured the essence of the season. The high-quality formula ensured a smooth application, excellent coverage, and a chip-resistant finish, making it a must-have for nail enthusiasts and professionals alike.Overall, InterCHARM 2023 was a resounding success for Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The exhibition provided an ideal platform to showcase their products, connect with industry professionals, and strengthen their brand presence in the global market. The company's participation in this prestigious event further solidified their position as a leading player in the nail care industry.
  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. made a grand appearance at the 62nd Guangzhou Beauty Expo, where they showcased their latest nail gel product line for the autumn and winter seasons. This highly anticipated event provided an excellent platform for the company to demonstrate their strength and establish their position as a leading player in the industry.Highlights of Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s Participation:Impressive Booth: The company's booth at the expo was a visual spectacle, designed to captivate attendees and create a memorable experience. It showcased the company's professionalism and attention to detail.Strong Presence: Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. attracted a significant number of visitors, including beauty professionals, industry experts, and beauty enthusiasts. Their booth was bustling with activity, indicating the high level of interest in their products.Demonstrating Expertise: The company's knowledgeable team was present at the expo to provide insights, guidance, and demonstrations. They showcased their expertise in nail gel products, leaving a lasting impression on attendees.Key Features of the Autumn/Winter Nail Gel Collection:Captivating Colors: The new line of nail gel products for the autumn and winter seasons featured a wide range of captivating colors. From rich and deep hues to trendy and vibrant shades, the collection offered options to suit every individual's style and preference.Long-lasting Durability: The gel polishes were formulated with advanced technology to ensure exceptional durability. They provided chip-free and long-lasting wear, allowing individuals to enjoy beautiful nails throughout the colder months.Easy Application: Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. prioritized user-friendly application methods for their gel polishes. The products were designed to be easy to apply, making them suitable for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.High-quality Formulation: The company's commitment to quality was evident in the formulation of their gel polishes. They used premium ingredients to create safe, non-toxic, and gentle products that were gentle on the nails.
  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. made a remarkable presence at the highly anticipated Beauty Forum & Hair by Cosmoprof 2023, where they unveiled their latest nail gel product line for the autumn and winter seasons. This prestigious event provided an excellent platform for the company to showcase their strength and establish their position as a leader in the industry.Highlights of Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s Participation:Grand Showcase: The company's booth at the exhibition was a sight to behold, exuding elegance and professionalism. It attracted a large number of visitors, including beauty professionals, enthusiasts, and industry experts.Demonstrating Expertise: Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. impressed attendees with their extensive knowledge and expertise in the nail gel industry. Their team of experts was on hand to provide insights, guidance, and demonstrations, showcasing the company's deep understanding of the market.Innovative Product Line: The star of the show was the company's new line of nail gel products for the autumn and winter seasons. These products featured a stunning array of rich, deep hues that perfectly captured the essence of the colder months. With their long-lasting wear and easy application, these gel polishes quickly became a favorite among professionals and nail enthusiasts.Key Features of the Autumn/Winter Nail Gel Collection:Captivating Colors: The gel polishes offered a wide range of captivating colors, allowing individuals to express their unique style and stay on-trend throughout the autumn and winter seasons.Durability: The advanced formula ensured that the gel polishes provided exceptional durability, offering chip-free and long-lasting wear.User-Friendly Application: The gel polishes were designed for easy application, making them suitable for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.High-Quality Formulation: Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. prioritized the use of high-quality ingredients, ensuring that their gel polishes were safe, non-toxic, and gentle on the nails.
  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. made a remarkable presence at the highly anticipated Beauty Expo Australia 2023, showcasing their latest nail gel product line for the autumn and winter seasons. This prestigious event provided an excellent platform for the company to demonstrate its strength and establish its position as a leader in the industry.Grand Showcase of Company's Strength:Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. left a lasting impression at the exhibition, highlighting its expertise and commitment to delivering top-quality nail gel products. With their extensive range of innovative solutions, the company showcased its ability to meet the diverse needs of beauty enthusiasts and professionals alike.Product Highlights:The star of the show was the company's new line of nail gel products for the autumn and winter seasons. These exquisite gel polishes offered a perfect blend of style, durability, and versatility. With a wide range of captivating colors and finishes, they allowed individuals to express their unique personalities and stay on-trend throughout the colder months.Key Features of the Autumn/Winter Nail Gel Collection:Rich and vibrant colors: The gel polishes featured a stunning array of rich, deep hues that perfectly captured the essence of the autumn and winter seasons.Long-lasting wear: The advanced formula ensured that the gel polishes provided exceptional durability, allowing for chip-free and long-lasting wear.Easy application and removal: The user-friendly application process and hassle-free removal made these gel polishes a favorite among both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.High-quality ingredients: Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. prioritized the use of premium ingredients, ensuring that their gel polishes were safe, non-toxic, and gentle on the nails.
  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. showcased its latest nail gel products for the autumn season at the prestigious Cosmoprof North America - Miami & Las Vegas 2023 exhibition. This event was a grand affair, bringing together professionals and industry leaders from around the world to celebrate the beauty industry's innovation and creativity.At the exhibition, Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. demonstrated its strength as a leading player in the nail gel industry. With their cutting-edge technology and commitment to quality, the company stood out among the crowd. Their booth was a sight to behold, featuring a stunning display of their latest nail gel products that captured the essence of the autumn season.The company's nail gel products for the autumn season were truly remarkable. One of their standout products was the 9D Cat Eye Gel [1]. This gel polish offered a mesmerizing 9D glitter effect, making it the perfect choice for a sparkling night out. With its glitter texture, it was ideal for parties and special occasions, adding a touch of glamour to any nail art design.Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s participation in Cosmoprof North America - Miami & Las Vegas 2023 showcased their commitment to innovation and their ability to stay ahead of the latest trends in the nail industry. Their presence at the exhibition was a testament to their dedication to providing high-quality nail gel products that meet the needs of modern consumers.
  • Experience the Grandeur of Expo Belleza Internacional De Occidente 2023 with Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Step into a world of beauty and elegance at Expo Belleza Internacional De Occidente 2023, where Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. showcased its latest nail gel products for the autumn season. This prestigious event, known for its grandeur and significance, brought together industry professionals, beauty enthusiasts, and buyers from around the world, creating a vibrant and dynamic platform for business and networking opportunities.Showcasing Strength and ExpertiseGuangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. demonstrated its strength as a leading player in the nail industry at Expo Belleza Internacional De Occidente 2023. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, the company showcased its expertise in producing high-quality nail gel products. Visitors were impressed by the company's state-of-the-art production facilities, innovative research and development department, and the use of premium raw materials sourced from European and North American markets.Highlighting Product FeaturesDingze Biotechnology's latest nail gel products for the autumn season stole the spotlight at the expo. These gel polishes are designed to enhance your nail art with the colors and trends of the season. With a wide range of captivating shades and finishes, they offer endless possibilities for creative nail designs. The gel polishes boast long-lasting wear, vibrant pigmentation, and a smooth application. Nail technicians and enthusiasts were drawn to the company's extensive selection of autumn-inspired colors, from warm and earthy tones to rich and deep hues, allowing them to express their unique style and embrace the spirit of the season.
  • 鼎泽在智利展会上成功地完成了其展示活动,取得了圆满的成功。在展会上,鼎泽公司展示了其最新的美甲产品和最前沿的技术,吸引了众多客户和媒体的关注。公司的展位号为SL83,位于智利圣地亚哥展览中心,通过精心设计和布置,展示了公司作为一个专业美甲品牌的形象和实力。在展示过程中,鼎泽公司的团队与观众进行了积极的互动,向他们介绍了公司的产品和技术的特点和优势,并回答了观众提出的问题。同时,公司还举办了多场产品演示和技术讲座,邀请了专业美甲师进行现场演示,向客户和媒体展示了如何使用鼎泽公司的产品和技术来打造各种时尚的美甲款式。这些活动让客户和媒体更加深入地了解了鼎泽公司的产品和技术的实际应用。鼎泽公司的展台还受到了许多观众的积极评价和认可。许多观众表示,他们对鼎泽公司的产品和技术非常感兴趣,认为这些产品和技术的应用将为他们的美甲业务带来新的机遇和发展。总的来说,鼎泽公司在智利国际美甲展会上取得了圆满的成功。公司的产品和技术的展示让客户和媒体印象深刻,进一步提升了公司的品牌形象和市场影响力。同时,展会也为鼎泽公司提供了一个展示其创新精神和实力的平台,为公司未来的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 
  • Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. proudly participated in the prestigious 2023 Beauty World Japan Tokyo exhibition. Beautyworld Japan, the largest beauty and spa trade show in Tokyo, Japan recently hosted Gelish Soak-Off Gel Polish at the Tokyo Big Sight International Exhibition Center. It showcases its latest nail gel products for the summer season. This grand event brought together industry leaders, beauty enthusiasts, and professionals from around the world, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere.At the exhibition, Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. demonstrated its strength as a leading manufacturer in the beauty industry. With a focus on innovation and quality, the company presented a wide range of nail gel products that captivated the attention of visitors.The summer collection of nail gel products by Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is designed to elevate your nail game to new heights. With vibrant and trendy colors, long-lasting formulas, and easy application, these nail gels are perfect for creating stunning summer nail looks. Whether you prefer bold and vibrant shades or subtle and elegant tones, there is a nail gel for every style and occasion.Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. takes pride in its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. With a team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, the company ensures that each nail gel product meets the highest standards of quality and performance.
  • Experience the Grandeur of Central Asia Beauty Expo 2023 with Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Step into a World of Beauty and InnovationImmerse yourself in the grandeur of Central Asia Beauty Expo 2023, where beauty enthusiasts and industry professionals gather to celebrate the latest trends and innovations in the beauty industry. This prestigious event serves as a platform for companies to showcase their expertise and connect with a diverse audience from Central Asia and beyond.Showcasing Strength and ExpertiseGuangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. proudly participated in Central Asia Beauty Expo 2023, demonstrating its strength as a leading player in the nail industry. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, the company showcased its expertise in producing high-quality nail gel products. Visitors were captivated by the company's state-of-the-art production equipment, innovative research and development department, and the use of premium raw materials sourced from European and North American markets.Introducing Our Latest Nail Gel ProductsAt the expo, Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. unveiled its latest nail gel products for the spring and summer seasons. These gel polishes are designed to elevate nail art to new heights, offering a wide range of captivating colors and finishes. With their long-lasting wear, vibrant pigmentation, and smooth application, these gel polishes allow nail technicians and enthusiasts to express their unique style and personality. From bold and vibrant shades to soft and pastel hues, our gel polishes provide endless possibilities for creative nail designs.
  • Join Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. at the 2023 Iran Beauty and Clean Expo!Experience the Grandeur of the EventStep into a world of beauty and elegance at the 2023 Iran Beauty and Clean Expo. This prestigious event brings together industry leaders, professionals, and enthusiasts from around the globe to celebrate the latest trends and innovations in the beauty and cosmetics industry. Immerse yourself in a vibrant atmosphere filled with excitement and inspiration as you explore the diverse range of products and services on display.Showcasing Our StrengthGuangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is proud to be a participant in this esteemed event. As a leading enterprise in the production of therapy glue, we have established ourselves as a market leader in the cosmetic nail industry. With over a decade of experience, our company has gained worldwide recognition for our commitment to quality and innovation.Discover Our Latest Nail Gel ProductsAt the expo, we are thrilled to showcase our latest nail gel products for the spring and summer seasons. Our gel polishes, base gels, top coats, and more are meticulously crafted using high-quality raw materials sourced from European and North American markets. With our Germany-oriented full automatic production equipment and innovative R&D department, we bring you a range of vibrant colors and long-lasting formulas that will elevate your nail art to new heights.Highlights of Our Nail Gel Products:1.Superior Quality: Our nail gel products are made with the highest quality ingredients to ensure durability and long-lasting wear.2.Trendsetting Colors: Stay ahead of the fashion curve with our extensive range of colors, inspired by the latest trends for the spring and summer seasons.3.Easy Application: Our nail gels are designed for easy application, providing a smooth and flawless finish every time.4.Versatile Options: From gel polishes to builder gels, we offer a comprehensive selection of products to cater to all your nail art needs.Join us at the 2023 Iran Beauty and Clean Expo and discover the beauty and innovation that Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has to offer. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the grandeur of the event and explore our exceptional nail gel products.
  • Experience the Grandeur of the 133rd Canton Fair with Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Step into a world of beauty and innovation at the 133rd Canton Fair, where Guangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. showcased its latest nail gel products for the spring and summer seasons. This prestigious event, known for its scale and significance, brought together industry professionals, buyers, and enthusiasts from around the world, creating a vibrant and dynamic platform for business and networking opportunities.Showcasing Strength and ExpertiseGuangzhou Dingze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. demonstrated its strength as a leading player in the nail industry at the fair. With years of experience and expertise, the company showcased its commitment to quality and innovation. The booth exuded an air of professionalism and sophistication, reflecting the company's dedication to excellence. Visitors were impressed by the company's state-of-the-art production equipment, innovative R&D department, and high-quality raw materials sourced from European and North American markets.Highlighting Product FeaturesDingze Biotechnology's latest nail gel products for the spring and summer seasons stole the spotlight at the fair. These gel polishes are designed to elevate nail art to new heights. With a wide range of captivating colors and finishes, they offer endless possibilities for creative nail designs. The gel polishes boast long-lasting wear, vibrant pigmentation, and a smooth application. Nail technicians and enthusiasts were drawn to the company's extensive selection of shades, from bold and vibrant to soft and pastel, allowing them to express their unique style and personality.
  •      2023年3月17日至3月20日,全球最大、最重要的美容行业盛会--第54届美容展在意大利举行,公司参加了此次展会。每个从事美容和美甲行业的人都应该参加国际美容展,因为它汇集了全球美甲行业的专业人士,并为网络、团队合作和公司发展提供最佳环境。我们认识到,作为一家专门从事美甲产品创造、生产和销售的公司,参加这样的展会对我们的业务发展至关重要。       在国际美容展上,我们展示了公司的最新产品和技术。我们的产品注重质量和创新,以满足现代消费者对美甲的需求,这包括一些美甲艺术和一系列不同颜色和质地的甲油胶。这不仅顺应了即将到来的趋势,也满足了所有美甲师和美甲爱好者的需求。我们还与世界各地的美甲从业者进行了沟通和合作,帮助他们了解美甲行业的最新趋势和创新。      总之,我们参加这次美甲展是一次非常宝贵的经历。我们学习到了许多最新的美甲趋势和技术,也结交了一些来自世界各地的美甲从业者。这次经历让我们更加热爱美甲行业,也增强了我们对公司未来发展的信心。
  • Belleza y Salud celebrada en el recinto ferial Corferias de Bogotá es la feria más importante para el bienestar, la belleza y la cosmética en Colombia.Hicimos muchos preparativos en la etapa inicial , y desarrollar muchos nuevo producto para los clientes de Colombia e internacionales que se reúnen para mostrar a los visitantes los últimos productos, las nuevas tendencias y los avances relacionados a la belleza integral para la mujer y el hombre.Estamos muy contentos de participar en esta exposición, estaremos exhibiendo nuestros productos donde encontrarás muchas variedad deproductos de la nueva línea de gel.Incluye RUBBER BASE,REFLECTIVE DIAMOND GEL,SHIMMER GLITTER GEL,METALLIC GEL,REFLECTIVE CAT EYES GEL,NEON GLITTER GELSUPER GLOSSY PLATINUM GEL.......Hemos desarrollado y lanzado nuevo modelos de esmalte gel, FREE HEMA BASE COAT, FREE HEMA TOP COAT; Recibió muchos elogios de los clientes. Perseguiremos nuestra promesa de mantener la calidad de la exposición asegurando y uniendo fuerzas con los clientes y nuevos para lograr otro nuevo hito.!
  • Dear clients,According to the government's notice and the company's arrangements, our company will take 3 days from December 30, 2023 to January 1, 2024 (Saturday to Monday). Normal business will be resumed on January 2, 2024.If there is any inconvenience, please understand. For any sales inquiries and supports, please whatsApp or email our salesman.HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
  • DEAR CUSTOMERS,Please note that our company will be closed for the The Mid-Autumn Festival from 10/9/2022(Sat.) until 12/9/2022(Mon.)Normal business will resume on 13/9/2022(Tue.)Should you have any assistance, please feel free to contact our sales team.Thank you very much!Best wishesDZ NAIL